Two Spare Bedrooms

31 year-old woman with 0 kids, 1 husband, and 2 spare bedrooms. My journey through infertility, IVF, miscarriage, and the ultimate goal of motherhood. Scratch that - my marriage is a casualty of infertility.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Holy Medication!

I received my delivery of fertility medication today - enough for about 5 IVF cycles! Why in the world the RE ordered so much medication is beyond me. She did mention to me that she would like me to donate what I don't use, but she should have been more clear about her agenda. I don't mind donating since I am fortunate enough to have insurance that covers the cost, but let me know ahead of time that I will be receiving a ridiculous amount of meds. My kitchen table right now is covered with syringes and alcohol swipes. And that freaking red disposal container is back, the one that I thought I would not see again for a couple of years. Looking at that really got to me. It's tough going through this again, not because it was hard to do the first time, but because I thought I was done for now. And it was really tough being at the RE's office the other day, seeing the sonographer that found the sac, who ended up being the same one that confirmed the miscarriage. All the nurses were a little gentler than usual after reading my chart. One told me that her first pregnancy ended in miscarriage, followed by 3 more! But she has grown children, so her story has a happy ending. That is really what I want to hear about these days - happy endings despite disastrous beginnings. Not always a realty, but definitely a comfort.


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